Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) for Hair

Have you recently noticed patches of thinning hair?

Are you troubled by the increasing amount of hair accumulating in your shower drain? Is concealing your hair loss becoming increasingly challenging as time passes? Would you like to address early-onset hereditary hair loss before it escalates? If so, you might find benefit in exploring non-surgical hair restoration options available at Beverly Hills Wellness & Aesthetics.

PRP for Hair Restoration

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) for hair restoration is a quick and easy procedure that helps reverse hair loss and stimulates new growth. The procedure is safe and effective for both men and women with hair thinning or loss of all types. PRP for Hair Restoration can be done as a stand-alone procedure or paired with medications to encourage further growth

How Does PRP for Hair Restoration Work?

Platelet Rich Plasma is a unique therapy that uses your own blood to trigger natural hair regrowth. PRP is packed with a high concentration of essential platelets, stem cells, and other growth factors known to improve hair thickness. The procedure is done in a simple 3-step process which includes a blood draw and isolation and concentration of platelets which are then injected into the scalp.

Am I a Good Candidate for PRP?

Most people who would like to slow the progression of hair loss are good candidates for hair restoration with PRP. Men and women with androgenic alopecia can benefit from the procedure. Although the procedure can improve follicle thickness and stimulate new cell growth, patients with early-onset hair loss tend to respond best.

PRP for Hair Restoration can:

  • Prevent Excessive Shedding

  • Slow Hair Thinning

  • Improve Hair Quality

  • Increase the Number of Active Follicles

Patients who would like to reverse premature hair loss should consider PRP treatments as soon as they notice a problem to prevent further thinning. Your hair restoration specialist will determine your candidacy for the procedure at the time of your initial consultation.

How Long Does a Typical Treatment Take?

PRP for hair loss is a somewhat meticulous procedure that takes careful skill and knowledge of the anatomy. Injections are placed at follicle level and spaced approximately every half an inch along the treatment area. The entire process can vary based on the number of injections needed. However, you can expect treatment times to range from 30 to 60 minutes.

What Results Will I See?

Initial results from PRP for hair restoration can be seen approximately 2-3 months after your first in-office visit. First, you will see a decline in hair loss. After which, you’ll begin to see hair regrow and lengthen. Eventually, you’ll have a fuller head of hair with thicker hair shafts.

Most patients need a series of 4 treatments spaced 1-month apart to get the results they want. Once desired results are achieved, maintenance treatments can be scheduled every 4-6 months to maintain hair growth.

Is There Any Downtime?

PRP Therapy for hair loss has limited side effects. However, you may experience slight redness, tenderness, or swelling at or around the injection site.